… enlightening your human spirit.
“Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]” Hebrews 1:14 AMP
People are more conscious of the presence of devils than they are of the presence of angels. If we believe the truth, that God has angels operating in our lives everyday, “round-the-clock”, we will hardly be afraid of anything or anyone!
You will never find the children of prominent people roaming around alone, they are always guarded heavy with serious security guards! Not particularly because they have done anything wrong, but because there are those who want their position or hate their jobs as government officials. These wicked people might want to destroy them, or anyone and anything related to them! That’s the attitude the devil also has towards God’s children. He hates us passionately because of his hatred for God… and he will do anything to hurt us and anyone or anything connected to us-because of his hatred for God!
Hence the need for angelic ministry in our lives! There are angels assigned by God to every one of His children, and to His Preachers. These angels are assigned to accompany us, serve us, protect us, assist us to achieve tasks, etc. As long as we have inherited salvation through Jesus Christ. You may never have seen them with your optical eyes, but if God opens your spiritual eyes, you will see them! They don’t go on break or on holiday to Heaven, they are always on duty! They are stationed permanently, and particularly for you!
Father, I thank you for the angels you have given commands to attend to me. I am not alone! Your angels are always around me, for my protection, wellbeing, success, guidance and for my blessings! I will never be stranded in life! Neither can the devil ever succeed in attacking me; in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!