_*”Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually.”*_ 1 Chronicles 16:11 KJV
Self reliance will make you despise prayers, fasting, and studying GOD’s word. In my over 17years of being in active ministry, experience has taught me that proud people don’t pray, they don’t fast, and they do not look for GOD’s counsel through His word. They take decisions based on their comfort per time. If they ever get troubled or discomforted, they run to GOD with the willingness to fast and pray.
As a Believer in GOD Almighty, even if you think you are powerful, and very wise, you must never rely on your strength and intellectual abilities. They can fail you so badly you may not be able to recover. GOD is supposed to be chased, even though He lives in us! _*”Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?”*_ Jeremiah 23:23 KJV. Don’t get too “used-to-GOD”, to the point that you no longer fast, pray, and studying His word as you used to!
As you fast and pray, you are seeking the Lord and His strength. You are simply showing Him you depend on His strength for success. When you study His word, you are looking for His counsel to walk in life. You are seeking His face, His approval of what you are doing. This world is actually a thick dark place spiritually, you need GOD’s light to walk safely here. And you need His strength to truly prevail over all issues. Fast, Pray, Study the Word like someone who hasn’t been fed for days. Remember what Hannah said; _*”He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.”*_ 1 Samuel 2:9 KJV
Have you been blessed by this message? …spread the WORD, share with your friends. As it is written; _*”The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”*_ -Psalms 68:11 KJV
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*Daily Bible study guide*
*In The Morning: Jeremiah 40, 41, 42*
*In The Evening: Hebrews 2*
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Nov 5, 2019 7:14:48 AM