… enlightening your human spirit.
“Just then there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit; and he cried out [terribly from the depths of his throat], saying, “what business do You have with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!” -Mark 1:23-24 AMP
If you were in a church, and you hear someone scream at the top of his voice againts a Preacher; telling him to get away from the gathering of the people. Portraying him as a destroyer and negative personality! You might think the Preacher was a bad person, unless you’re guided by the Spirit of God.
A lady that was a member of our ministry applied for a teaching position is a school. After the interview, the Director of the school shortlisted her to resume work the following day. The Headmistress told the Director; “I cannot work in the same place with that lady! You cannot take her.” The Director asked, “why?” The Headmistress had no sensible reason. She just suggested that her spirit didn’t accept the new lady. The Director knew me as a Preacher, and she knew the new lady came from our ministry. So, she told the Headmistress; “I will employ the lady regardless of how you feel about her.” The Headmistress responded; “if she resumes here, I will have to resign!” The Director said; “that is fine!” And, truly, she didn’t resume the following day! Our ministry member resumed work the following day, and eventually took up the Headmistress’ position in that school! She worked productively with that school for a long time. We discovered that the Headmistress was a woman possessed with demons! During the interview, she had seen the fire that our ministry member carried, so she feared working in the same premises with her. That was why she exited as soon as she could!! Every Christian needs the Holy Spirit and fire, to survive the wickedness that is happening on this earth!
Study the spiritual climate around you! Know when demons are reacting through the people around you. They would be acting like they don’t want anything to do with you! They might be saying; “get away from here!” “We hate you!” “You are bad.” E.t.c. Do not feel bad, if you know that you are pleasing God. Demons cannot survive a spiritually hot place. They will have to either leave, or irritate you to leave! The demon in the man tried irritating Jesus to leave the synagogue, but Jesus drove him out instead! Mark 1:25-26 AMP “Jesus rebuked him, saying, “be quiet (muzzled, silenced), and come out of him!” The unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions, and screeching with a loud voice, came out of him.” Do not quit your job because demons want you to leave. Do not pack out of that area because demons are instigating people against you. Stand your grounds, and resist them! Carry fire with you, everywhere you go.
Father, thank you for word! Please, set me on fire for you. Baptize me, with the Holy Spirit, and with fire; in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!