WORD&POWER for TODAY, Fri., 7th of Feb., 2020.
“Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so that this people may know that You, O Lord, are God, and that You have turned their hearts back [to You].” 1 Kings 18:37 AMP.

Humans know the difference between results by human efforts, and the results achieved through the help of some Supreme Being. They know what miracles are. And that is part of why GOD performs miracles. Remember that Moses wasn’t asking for miracles to take to Egypt, GOD gave them to him to carry along. Because, GOD understands the language that all humans cannot deny.
Prophet Elijah wasn’t asking for something common or ordinary. He was asking for literal fire to fall from Heaven, and that the fire should consume the sacrifice while everyone watched. If you have being preaching to those around you, and they don’t listen, what they want to see is something beyond the natural. They want to see something extra-ordinary about and around you. Even Jesus told someone: “… Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.” John 4:48.
Keep asking for those unusual things. Ask GOD for uncommon miracles, because GOD will do them. Not just for your desires to be met, but also for those who are doubting your GOD to believe that you were telling them the truth. GOD granted the request of Prophet Elijah and even exceeded it. The fire came down, consumed the sacrifice, licked up the wood, the stone, the flooded ground, even the dust, everything near the sacrifice was licked up by the fire! Everyone saw it, and they believed: “And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.” 1 Kings 18:39. Lack of miracles in your life will make you argue with unbelievers for long. Testimonies are themselves witnesses. People often, and easily believe what they see. So, GOD will answer you as you pray to Him to work the unusual for you. He will answer you, and surpass your petition, so that those who are watching you and listening to you may know that He is truly your GOD. And that you’re telling them the truth. Halleluyah!
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In The Morning: Leviticus 1, 2, 3
In The Evening: Matthew 24:23-51
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Feb 7, 2020 10:17:38 AM