“You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples.” Psalms 77:14 NKJV
Several events in the Bible point out the fact that GOD had the option of doing the regular, or the normal as you might want to call it, but He would rather choose wonders as an option.
For example, when the children of Israel were leaving Egypt, there was a shorter rout by land. But, GOD chose to separate the red sea for them to walk through. The disciples told Jesus, let us send these people (5,000 men) to buy bread for themselves in the nearby villages before it gets too late. Jesus told them; ‘make them sit down’. Five loaves of bread and two fishes were miraculously multiplied and everyone got fed to satisfaction, with twelve baskets of leftovers!
You probably have desired GOD to fix that issue the “normal” way. You want Him to come fast before sick Lazarus dies! You want the Prophet to come out, call upon his GOD, and shake his hands over your wounds. But He has a different agenda! He is more keen about His glory than your escape from that pressing issue! GOD does wonders in order to show His strenght among many people. Your testimony will happen in grand style! Even if your Lazarus dies for four days, he’s coming back alive to bring Him glory! When you know whom you’re dealing with, you’d stop worrying! Our GOD is a wonder-working GOD! Halleluyah.
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Daily Bible study guide
In The Morning: Psalms 75, 76, 77
In The Evening: Romans 6
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