… enlightening your human spirit.


“Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands, saying, prophesy unto us, thou Christ, who is he that smote thee?” Matthew 26:67-68 KJV

The ability to see things with your eyes closed (or blindfolded) is super-natural! No one in the physical realm can see into the spirit realm without the help of a spirit being!

Now, the spirit beings that help human beings to see what the optical eyes cannot see, can either be unclean spirits… or the Holy Spirit! So, when you see someone operating by the spiritual gift called “word-of-knowledge” (i.e ability to access informations supernaturally); don’t say he is a wizard or a witch! Understand and identify his or her helper first! The Holy Spirit knows everything! And, unclean spirits also have access to informations that humans do not have! So, first, let’s look at these fellows, they were slapping, spitting on his face, and attacking Jesus Christ, yet they were saying: “prophesy to us… who slapped you?!” That’s sheer mockery of His prophetic ministry, and a total disrespect to the Holy Spirit!

How you relate with the Holy Spirit determines the part of Him you get to know! Do not forget, He is God! The Holy Spirit is the third-person of the Trinity!! So, He should know everything! When He is operating through people who are filled with Him, do not make mockery or jest about His operations. If you don’t understand what is happening, keep quiet, wait until you understand! Everything the Spirit of God will do, will have a scriptural strength behind it! Unclean spirits hate the scriptures… they hate God’s Word. They want to break it, violate it, contradict it, and desecrate it, everytime they get the chance! If the devil quotes God’s Word, His intention is to pervert it… not to do it! That’s how you will know what spirit is operating at a given time! You will discover if the person is operating in the prophetic ministry aided by the Holy Spirit, or the person is just practicing sorcery, assisted by unclean spirits!

Father, the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children, but the things that are not revealed belong to you (Deuteronomy 29:29)! Father, I open my heart, help me to embrace totally the wonderful ministry of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

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