… enlightening your human spirit.
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “cut two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you smashed [when you learned of Israel’s idolatry].” Exodus 34:1 AMP
There are many miracles and valuable things that God does for us that we do not value! Probably because those things came to us so easily, and without much labour. If you carelessly lose anything or anyone that God brought to you, you will have to work hard or pay dearly to get another one; so that you may cherish them afterwards!
The first two tablets of stone that contained the Ten Commandments were cut out of the rock by God Almighty Himself… He wrote on them with His handwriting, and gave them to Moses, so that he could read to the people. But, Moses smashed them to pieces when he got upset with the children of Israel! When God needed him to get the tablets of stone the second time, He told Moses to cut them out of the rock by himself, so that he would value them this time! Cutting two tablets of stone out of the rock would certainly make someone bleed and have blisters in his hands! This way, Moses would learn to protect and guard carefully, whatever God gives to him!
Cherish that thing, or that person, that God brought to you without much efforts from you! Keep and protect your contact with that Pastor that you think is easily accessible. That job you got without any difficult interview, handle it very well! Protect and take good care of any miracle that God gives to you! That blessings come easily does not mean they are cheap!! If you lose them because you did not value them, God might tell you to go and create your own! Which might come with a lot of labor and costs!! Cherish whatever God gives you!
Father, thank you for this message! Please, give me another chance to repair and to recover all the blessings that I may have lost due to my carelessness; in Jesus’ name I pray! Amen.