… enlightening your human spirit.
“And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering.” Exodus 25:1-2 KJV
A Pastor is not a sinner because he asked you to give offerings; change your mindset!
If you asked any genuinely called Man or Woman of God, what they hate most is asking any body to give any thing! They really wish they could do the work of God without having to ask anyone to give anything. But, they are under obligation to obey their Boss… God Almighty! How did you think Moses would feel, standing before the congregation to say; ‘God told me to tell you, that you should give your gold, your silver, your brass, your diamonds, your expensive clothing materials, etc… because He needs them!’? Do you think that is something simple to do?? Certainly not! You will need a lot of guts to ask people to give what they treasure! This is where God separates those who are representing Him, and others who are out there representing themselves! If you don’t feel anyhow when government representatives demand that you pay your taxes and dues to the government; why should you feel awkward when Pastors ask you to give offerings and tithes to God?! Yet, God is the source for everything you have, not the government?! You have to be an ungrateful person or hypocrite, if you feel bad whenever God {through His Servant} asks you to give Him any thing. You should obey joyfully and thankfully!!
Read Exodus 25:1-9. You would see that God gave Moses (the Pastor) the clear instruction to ask the people to give their treasures and belongings! And he should spend them on what God had shown him… not what the people think he should spend the resources on! So, stop robbing yourself of opportunities to be blessed by God. Obey your spiritual leaders. Support them to fulfill their heavenly visions! Stop allowing the devil to lie to you, that Pastors are “after” your money! Proverbs 3:9-10 AMP says: “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your crops (income); then your barns will be abundantly filled and your vats will overflow with new wine.“
My God! I thank you for your word! Father, forgive my ignorance and unfaithfulness to obey your instructions. From today, I will serve you with my substances and honor you with my wealth; in Jesus’ name. Amen!