“Urge bond-servants to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be pleasing and not talk back.” Titus 2:9 AMP
Whoever you serve deserves your total loyalty; in every thing!
Loyalty is the reason you will arrive work earlier than… or exactly at the resumption time. Loyalty will make you sell your company’s products outside working ours. Loyalty will make you work overtime, without necessarily doing it for pay. Loyalty is part of the reasons you would not talk rudely at your boss.
If God says, submit to your boss in all things; He doesn’t mean your boss should come in-between you and Him. If your boss isn’t asking you to sin against God, serve him or her diligently, and faithfully. It is a demand from God, because He cares about bosses too!
Check your level of service and loyalty to that Master. To your Senior Pastor, your Senior Colleague, the Director of your company, the Manager; etc. Ensure that your bosses have good records about you. “Please them” according to God, means serve them, and satisfy them!