“If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth; and if a tree falls to the south or the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie.” Ecclesiastes 11:3 NKJV
It is the droplets of water that left earth through vapor that returns upon earth in the form of rain. Earth will always get whatever it gives out! That’s how God has designed it.
Have you been praying, fasting, giving, sowing seeds, serving selflessly, showing mercy to your offenders, helping those who can not repay you, etc? Or have you been gossiping good people, telling lies on innocent and sincere people, scheming evil, destroying the beautiful efforts of diligent people, frustrating people’s good efforts, etc? … Believe me, on this earth, you will not labor in vain!! You will reap what ever you sow! Prepare yourself for the rain.
That scripture works for both good and bad acts. You will certainly get whatever you choose to give out; when your cup gets full: “If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth” Rains don’t fall upon earth everyday! They only fall when the clouds are full of them. Be mindful of what you daily sow, because you cannot escape your harvest. If you have been praying and trusting God for any thing, don’t give up! Keep at it! When your cup gets full, you shall reap. And if your acts have been evil, change it now before the rains start to pour down on you. Let God’s word be your daily guide, when you need to do any thing.
NB: These messages are available in other languages on our website www.impactcgm.org
You’re invited to the International Conference, KenyanFire2022 www.africanfire.org
Morning: Exodus 16, 17, 18
Evening: Matthew 19:16-30
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