“Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you.” Genesis 31:3 NKJV
Relocation is one of the hardest decisions that people make, basically because it is highly demanding and very risky. Think of you being moved from a place you’re already settled in. To leave what we call “comfort-zone” is not cheap, and God knows that.
Movement can be from the familiar to the unfamiliar, or from the unfamiliar to the familiar. Meaning, you might need to move from your family members and the environment you were born in, into a completely new environment. Or from where you had traveled to, back to your family members or to the society you were born in. Or all together, leave where you presently are to another place. It all depends on the stage you presently are in with God. You cannot walk with God and be rigid, you have to be spiritually flexible to be guided by His Spirit.
If you have prayed, fasted, and done all you know best to do in a city, country or continent, and yet nothing is working for you. Check, God must have told you earlier to leave that place. You shouldn’t continue preaching to an obstinate people, unless God tells you to continue there. Movement sometimes determines progress. Another angle to relocation is to be in your place of assignment. Where does God need you? Where are you “wanted”? Until you are in your place of assignment, you will never find fulfillment. Pray vehemently and listen to God. Know if you need to relocate or stay where you are. You should not waste another year doing the same fruitless ventures.
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Daily Bible Study Guide
Morning: Genesis 31, 32
Evening: Matthew 10:24-42
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