“But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” Genesis 15:2 NKJV
It takes a measure of boldness to ask the Almighty such a question. God started this by saying He was Abram’s shield, and exceeding great reward (Gen 15:1). So, Abram was in a way saying; ‘if you are my rewarder, why am I operating without being rewarded? When I die, everything I have will be taken over by my errand man .. because I have no child of my own!’. What is the benefit of my services to you? What is my gain? What is my reward for serving you!?
Someone nearer to our generation asked Jesus a similar question: “Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”” Matthew 19:27 NKJV. A lot of Christians do not know that they could ask God for their rewards. They believe all they owe God is service. Work, work, and more work! No pleasure. No fun. No time for relaxation. No posterity. Nothing to show as personal benefits for serving God. Just, work all the way! Please, that is not how God operates. God operates reward systems.
He wants to reward you for those years of rigorous labor in His vineyard. For those painful sacrifices that you have offered to Him. Those sleepless nights of studying, fasting, praying, evangelizing, the loss of your properties, and for the loss of your loved ones. He is our Faithful Rewarder! He rewarded Abram (now Abraham) with numberless children (physical and spiritual children). He will reward you! Jesus told Peter, ‘your reward starts from this earth into eternity …you have not labored in vain! I see God rewarding you massively this year! Yes!! You have sacrificed so much, you have given up so much, for the sake of the gospel, and for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Your season for reward is now! I dare you to ask like Abram and Apostle Peter did. God won’t rebuke you for asking for your reward. You should ask for it, because you deserve it -it is YOUR REWARD!
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Daily Bible Study Guide
Morning: Genesis 15, 16, 17
Evening: Matthew 5:27-48
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