_*”But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.”*_ ACTS 1:8 AMP

To be filled with the Spirit and still be inactive in the area of evangelism is disgraceful. The main reason the power and ability of the Holy Spirit is given to Christians is not to show off speaking with tongues or prophesying. The main reason is evangelism!
If you were timid to preach to people before you got filled with the Holy Spirit, you must be bold to preach after receiving the Spirit. Preaching to people is not for Evangelists only, it is for every single Christian. That is why Jesus called us the “Light” of the world (Matthew 5:14), we should guide people in the right direction, spiritually and in every other way.
Do not keep the Holy Spirit inactive inside you, open your mouth and preach to someone. Start from your immediate environment. Preach to your family members, speak to your friends about Jesus, speak to your colleagues at work, even to people in your street. Soon, you would see opportunities opening up to you to go outside your province, your country and eventually your continent. Begin from where you are. If you have not received the Holy Spirit, and you’d like to be prayed for, call the numbers below. You’ve got work to do, when the Spirit comes upon you!
Have you been blessed by this message? …spread the WORD, share with your friends. As it is written; _*”The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”*_ -Psalms 68:11 KJV
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*Daily Bible study guide*
*In The Morning: 2 Chronicles 32, 33*
*In The Evening: John 18:24-40*
Call or WhatsApp: +2348060188743, +254701648861,
Website: www.impactcgm.org
E-mail: pastorola@impactcgm.org
Jun 10, 2019 06:46:40